Tanasi Golf Operation Update

Tanasi Golf Operation Update
Dear Tellico Village Golfers,
The rally of support following the recent events at Tanasi has proven yet again that there is no better golf community than Tellico Village. We have 3 World Class Golf Courses and a World Class Staff that continues to go above and beyond to provide the best golf experience possible.
We continue to settle into our new normal and are working to make things a little better with each passing day. We wanted to update the golf community with regards to our current operations.
The golf shop operations and snack bar are setup and operating effectively out of the Tanasi Turn Shack. We are still settling into our new temporary home and are working very diligently to continue to make it better.
As you approach the Tanasi Turn Shack (from right to left), the first window is the Snack bar, the second window is for Golfer Check-in and the third window is for the Starter-Ranger/ Golf Cart Operations.
When you arrive for a regular play, simply check-in, pick up your cart, and you can go to your car to pick your clubs. When we have shotgun starts, the carts will be staged along the parking lot for easy access where you can simply carry your clubs to your corresponding cart and then proceed to check-in.
While our new carts were spared, our short-term golf cart operations present a new set of challenges. We are storing the bulk of the fleet at public works in the evening where we have available power to charge. This is about a ½ mile away from the starting area, which we are managing with additional personnel. We have had several people ask how they can help, and shuttling carts is our current greatest need for assistance. If you are an early riser and want to volunteer to help stage in the morning, please report to the Tanasi parking lot at 7 a.m. If you want to volunteer to help, put carts up in the evening, please report to the starter area at 4 p.m. Historically it took about 1.5 man-hours to stage our carts and now it is closer to 10 man-hours, so the more help we get the better. Also note, that we will be asking for similar assistance with our afternoon large group outings including the Tanasi Scramblers, New Villagers and HOA.
Additionally, we will be going to 10-minute tee time intervals at Tanasi and restricting regular afternoon play after 4 p.m. to walkers and private carts. We will go back to more normal operations once we have a better temporary setup for our golf cart fleet.
The course has never been better, and the golf operation has never been stronger. Thanks for your continued support and understanding.
Christopher C. Sykes
Director of Golf
Posted on: August 30, 2022, by : caddyshack