Tellico Village Junior Golf Camp Concludes

Tellico Village Junior Golf Camp Concludes
Friday marked the conclusion of the 2022 Tellico Village Junior Golf Camp at Toqua with the annual camp tournament. Boys and girls competed in four separate divisions with trophies awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishing teams.
65 Junior golfers from ages 7 to 17 participated in this week’s camp, learning from the Head and Assistant Golf Professionals from Toqua, Tanasi, and Kahite. Players learned the fundamentals and techniques of putting, chipping, and the full swing while learning and putting into practice lessons on rules and etiquette on the “Short Course” as well.

The Tellico Village Golf Department would like to thank our residents for their patience and support this week as we fulfilled our duty to cultivate the next generation of golfers through access to world class instruction and facilities. This event is a highlight for staff each year and we could not do it without your continued support.
Posted on: July 17, 2022, by : caddyshack