Superintendent’s Revenge 2021

Tellico Village Super's Revenge

Superintendent’s Revenge

Benefits: Kahite, Tanasi, and Toqua Volunteer Beautification Committees
Volunteers weed, plant, paint, build, fertilize golf course property surrounding club house grounds, areas around course restrooms, gardens bordering greens, tee boxes, fairways.

Superintendent’s Revenge
Regular scramble with the enhanced fun of playing around obstacles that the Toqua supers and their helpers will put out to surprise players.

Door Prizes
Wonderful variety of donated door prizes given out at lunch. One chance per $5 ticket that also gives a player 2 mulligans.

Silent Auction
A Silent Auction has been added this year. Make your bids, check to make sure no one is outbidding you. Awarded at lunch.

$45 paid when you arrive at Toqua. Excludes cart and greens fees. Includes cash prizes based on a full field of competitors, lunch and beer.

Tellico Village Logo

Posted on: March 19, 2021, by :

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